Referential integrity in Ref chunks

References include data from another source, possibly under the protection of a (secure) hash.

The Ref concept is crucial in the separation between signing a KIP Document without having loaded the referenced content, yet to maintain a chain of trust.

The vital choice is that the reference is signed, but never the referenced content. If (and only if) the Ref involves a secure hash can the referenced document be securely inserted.

The responsibility for this secure referencing and checking it rests with the application. To be totally clear: the KIP Document class does not validate that a secure reference is indeed secure.

Attributes. The content of a Ref object is the ref and a subdoc. It is assumed that the subdoc is another KIP Document, but the only required on ref is that it be a dictionary.

Storage. Only the ref is stored; the subdoc is considered a cached version of the referenced document and so it may be removed at anytime.

Code. Create a new Ref chunk (possibly to append to the KIP Document) using the creator,

refdata = {
    'url': '',
    'sha256': b'\xb3\x97\x23...\xd71\x44\xbe',

refobj = Ref (refdata)

doc.append (refobj)

After downloading the document, possible

subdoc = Document ()
refobj.set_subdoc (subdoc)
if refobj.got_subdoc ():
    ... refobj.get_subdoc () ...

CBOR. The subdoc is not stored, but the ref dictionary is. The dictionary is flatted, CBOR style, and counted as one sub-object in an array for Ref that starts with its tag, 2.

[ 2, {...url...sha256...} ]