Opaque symmetric keys in KeyMud chunks

Key Mud is an opaque symmetric key. The chunk is used for "key mapping", that is, to use one key to obtain another. In fact, logical combinations can be made with a flexibility that is quite uncommon, and shows the strength of the KIP Document approach.

Cryptography can enable flexible tricks and ideas, mostly dependent on new logical combinations of properties or requirements. This usually comes down to playing around with keys. And so, a KIP Document has a flexible tool for such key juggling. The flexibility can be a little confusing, precisely because it is so simple yet powerful. Try it in a few simple examples first, like in the code examples below.

For highly flexible key handling, it is useful to have a kind of "switchboard" that allows you to group keys into one, sometimes with AND and sometimes with OR combinations. General logic dictates that any positive logic combination can be written in a form with two levels:

(a AND b AND ...) OR (k AND m AND ...) OR ...

This is the kind of structure that can be made with key mapping; you can require that keys a and b (and...) are present to gain access to a new one; alternatively, having k and m (and...) would suffice. You can ask for complex combinations, all to derive access to a new key, which is then usable in things like Mud for content encryption, or SigMud for content signing.

The task of KeyMud is to make one of those alternatives available; it is then up to other KeyMud to make the same key available to other combinations. So, in terms of the above, one KeyMud handles a AND b AND ... and another KeyMud handles k AND m AND ..., both possibly mapping to the same keynumber.

Keys. Keys are described as a number and an algorithm identifier (also a number). The input keys to the map (such as a AND b AND c) deliver twice as many numbers as the keys (namely the keynr of a, the algid of a, the keynr of b, the algid of b, the keynr of c, the algid of c).

An additional key is used as output. This key may have been mentioned before. The KeyMud represents an alternative path to get to that key, for those who have hitherto not found a way of reconstructing it in their environment. This is how a KIP Document can be flexible in access rights. Add to that the ability to encrypt/decrypt or sign/validate only parts of a KIP Document and the toolkit offers rather powerful controls to applications.

Think of it like this, a number of rows with alternative paths (OR) where each requires any number of keys (AND) to get to the desirable output of the mapped key:

   +--> got a --> got b --> ... -->|
   |                               |
   +--> got k --> got m --> ... -->+
   :                               :
     ....    ....   ....  ...   -->+--> get the mapped key

CBOR. The KeyMud chunk is represented in in a CBOR array containing:

  1. The KeyMud tag value 4
  2. map_pairs holds q sequence of integers consisting of a key number and algorithm
  3. The key number provided after applying key mapping
  4. The key algorithm for that key number
  5. The mapping blob used by the KIP library

This is by far the most complicated object in a KIP Document. You are not likely to use it much, but it is your ticket to expressive freedom where access rights to parts of the KIP Document is concerned.

Code. To create KeyMud, you basically need to supply the mapping with the AND-ed keynr/algid numbers for one of the OR branches:

key_a = 123
alg_a = 380
key_b = 456
alg_b = 380

key_out = 789
alg_out = 380

map = KeyMud ( [ key_a,alg_a, key_b,alg_b ], key_out, alg_out, b'')

TODO: The last parameter can be set to the body as found in the CBOR chunk.

You do this only once, then insert it into the KIP Document and the chunks following that will have (extra) ways of getting to key_out under alg_out. Of course this is the conceptual story; wrapped into a nice GUI it would be powerful and wholly usable.

Complex? Yes. This basically means thinking about the intended security of your KIP Document, ahead of time. Afterwards, choosing the desired key/alg will help you control access to cryptographic features and the content that it may unleash. Again, a GUI can make you happier than this conceptual explanation.